If you have had a website hosting account in the past, you may have come across a situation where you spend your money on some unlimited attribute only to find out later that it is actually limited and you've got some fixed quota. This may happen with the hard disk space, the monthly bandwidth, the database storage along with other features which many web hosting service providers present in a way that is different from what you will really get. That is the so-called overselling, which providers use so that they can attract customers even though they are aware that they cannot provide their clients with the attributes they advertise usually because of the nature of their Internet hosting platform or in the case of the resellers - because they have some limits from the actual host company.

No Overselling in Cloud Hosting

You will never encounter a situation where you aren't allowed to use any of the attributes that we offer with our cloud hosting packages as we don't oversell and we really provide what we offer. Leaving aside the fact that developing mutual trust is a thing we believe in, we can afford to provide you with even unlimited features because unlike various competitors, we do not run everything on a single server. Instead, we have built an innovative cloud platform where the file storage, databases, Control Panel, emails, and nearly every other service has a separate cluster of servers to control them. This configuration enables us to add hard drives for additional disk space and entire machines for extra computing power, so that we can never run out of system resources. Our Hepsia Control Panel was developed to run in the cloud, so if you purchase one of our web hosting packages, you shall be able to take full advantage of what you have paid for all the time.

No Overselling in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server packages come with quite a lot of unrestricted features, but in contrast to a lot of other providers, we don't oversell and we can really afford to provide unlimited disk space or databases. What lies behind our confidence is a state-of-the-art cloud platform which consists of a number of clusters, each handling a particular service - files, e-mail addresses, statistics, databases, etcetera. Since we're able to add as many hard drives or servers to each of the clusters as needed, we can virtually never run out of system resources, so if you pay for anything unlimited, you will really get it. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel was developed exclusively for this custom made cloud setup, so when you use a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you can get the most out of your sites.